Aug 302014

earthComplex Chinese rights to Robert McCammon’s THE BORDER to Nautilus by Gray Tan at the Grayhawk Agency, on behalf of Cameron McClure.

Russian rights to editors Laurie R. King and Leslie S. Klinger’s anthology IN THE COMPANY OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, to AST, by Alexander Korzhenevski Agency in association with Cameron McClure.

German rights to Adam Christopher’s THE AGE ATOMIC, to Papierverzierer Verlag, by Franka Zastrow at Thomas Schlueck Agency, in association with Cameron McClure on behalf of Stacia Decker.

Turkish rights to Margaret Anne Doody’s ARISTOTLE AND POETIC JUSTICE, ARISTOTLE AND THE SECRETS OF LIFE, POISON IN ATHENS, and  MYSTERIES OF ELEUSIS, to Alfa by Nazlı Çökdü at ONK Agency, in a four-book deal, in association with Katie Shea Boutillier.