Apr 302019

Czech rights to Eliza Maxwell’s THE SHADOW WRITER, to Euromedia by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

German rights to Robert Jackson Bennett’s THE FOUNDERS TRILOGY, to Blanvalet, in a three-book deal, at auction, by Sarah Knofius at Thomas Schlueck Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier, for Cameron McClure.

German rights to NYT bestselling author Kel Kade’s FATE OF THE FALLEN, to Heyne, at auction, in a three-book deal, by Sarah Knofius and Bastian Schluck at Thomas Schlueck Agency on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier, for Paul E. Stevens.

Turkish rights to Kaira Rouda’s BEST DAY EVER, to Cinar Yayinlari, by Merve Ongen at ONK Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.