Jun 142023

Photo credit: Sue Grubman
Authors Bridget Morrissey, Emily Wibberley, and Austin Siegemund-Broka writing as E.B. Asher’s THIS WILL BE FUN, pitched as THE PRINCESS BRIDE meets PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION, about a group of friends who once saved their magical land together but haven’t spoken in 10 years, reuniting to attend a royal wedding then ending up on a new quest to defend the realm, pitched for readers of LEGENDS AND LATTES and lovers of Shrek, to Sylvan Creekmore at Avon, in a good deal, in a pre-empt, for publication in fall 2024, by Taylor Haggerty at Root Literary for Morrissey and by Katie Boutillier for Wibberley and Siegemund-Broka (world).