Oct 172024

Congratulations to Kate Heartfield and her book, THE TAPESTRY OF TIME, for being part of The Guardian‘s round-up for best recent science fiction, horror, and fantasy!

Set in England and France during the second world war, this novel centres on a family with the gift of second sight. As rational young women, the Sharp sisters dismiss their experiences as coincidence (Kit), imagination (Ivy) or a talent for pattern recognition (Rose), until they realise they may be able to aid the war effort. Their father has a theory that the Bayeux Tapestry was begun before 1066, to be used as a predictive tool in warfare. In the summer of 1944, Ivy is an undercover agent in France, and art historian Kit has stayed on in Paris, when they learn of a Nazi plan to take the tapestry, leaving Paris to burn. The sisters are the only ones who can stop them – if they survive long enough. Paranormal elements are expertly woven with real history to create a convincing and exciting tale.