Dec 312019

Chinese rights to Robert McCammon’s SWAN SONG, to Xiron, by Gray Tan at The Grayhawk Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier, for Cameron McClure.

Czech rights to New York Times bestselling author Yoon Ha Lee’s REVENANT GUN, the third book in the Machineries of Empire series, to Host, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Hungarian rights to USA Today bestselling author Tamsyn Muir’s GIDEON THE NINTH, the first book in the Locked Tomb trilogy, to Fumax, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Israeli rights to Skye Warren’s THE KNIGHT and THE CASTLE, to Sifrut Shenogaat, by Beverley Levit at The Israeli Association Of Book Publishers Ltd., on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Russian rights to Donald Maass’s WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL and THE FIRE IN FICTION, to Azbooka-Atticus, by Alexander Korzhenevski Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Turkish rights to Robert Sheckley’s Immortality Inc. and Status Civilization, to Ithaki, in a two-book deal, by Merve Ongen at ONK Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Polish audio rights to NYT bestselling author Jim Butcher’s CHANGES, GHOST STORY, COLD DAYS, and SKIN GAME, to Storytel, by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi in association with Michael Curry on behalf of Jennifer Jackson.