Jan 142021

Locus: Fugitive Telemetry is an interesting hybrid of murder mystery and space adventure. From the beginning of her career, Martha Wells’ characters have been relatable, understandable, complex, and human; her worldbuilding deft and interesting, filled with graceful detail and implying a universe beyond the page. The Murderbot stories continue this trajectory, with an entertaining protagonist – the incredibly relatable Murderbot – and a wry, witty, darkly humorous voice. Fugitive Telemetry is a brisk, well-paced delight, and fills in a gap in Murderbot’s adventures in a satisfying way. I enjoyed the hell out of it, and I hope that Wells continues to tell Murderbot stories for a long time to come.

Dec 312020

Brazilian Portuguese rights to New York Times bestselling author Tamsyn Muir’s GIDEON THE NINTH, the first book in the Locked Tomb trilogy, to Alma Books, by Cristina Purchio at International Editors’ Co. in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Bulgarian rights to Robert McCammon’s THE WOLF’S HOUR, to Iztok-Zapad (Bulgaria), by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

German rights to New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s MARKED IN FLESH and ETCHED IN BONE, the fourth and fifth books in her Other series, to Drachenmond, by Sarah Knofius at the Thomas Schlueck Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Russian rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ THE CLOUD ROADS and THE SERPENT SEA, the first two novels in her Books of the Raksura series, to Eksmo, by Alexander Korzhenevski at Alexander Korzhenevski Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Swedish rights to Nnedi Okorafor’s BINTI TRILOGY, to Palaver Press, by Philip Sane at Lennart Sane Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Dec 212020

New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop, sold a new novel set in her “World of the Others” series, following the characters of Vicki DeVine, who runs a rustic inn, and her friend Aggie Crowe, one of the shape-shifting Others, for publication in Spring 2022, and a second untitled fantasy novel. World English and audio rights were acquired by Ace Executive Editor Anne Sowards via Jennifer Jackson.

Dec 142020

Congratulations to all our DMLA authors who made NPR’s Books Concierge Best of the Year 2020 list!

ELATSOE by Darcie Little Badger
IKENGA by Nnedi Okorafor
NETWORK EFFECT by Martha Wells

Dec 112020

Congratulations to all our DMLA authors who have been chosen for Tor.com Reviewers’ Choice: The Best Books of 2020!

  • Machine by Elizabeth Bear
  • The Tyrant Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
  • Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
  • Network Effect by Martha Wells
Dec 042020

Congratulations to all our DMLA who were chosen for Amazon’s Best Books of 2020!

Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2020

  • HARROW THE NINTH by Tamsyn Muir
  • NETWORK EFFECT by Martha Wells
  • BATTLE GROUND by Jim Butcher

Best Children’s books of 2020: ages 9 to 12

  • IKENGA by Nnedi Okorafor
Dec 012020

The only bridge between past and future is a leap of faith.

Pursued by enemies, exiled Liaden clan Korval is settling into a new base on backworld Surebleak. Moving is expensive, as is war, and Korval is strapped for cash. Delm Korval has therefore instructed Master Trader Shan yos’Galan to design and implement new trade routes, quickly.

But this is no easy task. Dutiful Passage is targeted by Korval’s enemies, denied docking at respectable ports, and cheated at those less respectable. Struggling to recuperate from an attack on his life, while managing daughter Padi’s emerging psychic talents, Shan is running out of options—and time. His quest to establish the all-important trade route puts him at odds with his lifemate, while doubting crew desert the ship. Facing the prospect of failure, Shan accepts the assistance of chancy allies and turns the Passage toward a port only just emerging from Rostov’s Dust and awash with strange energies.

Without trade, Clan Korval will starve. Will a trader’s leap of faith save everything—or doom all?

Nov 302020

When the witch built the forty-flight tower, she made very sure to do the whole thing properly. Each flight contains a dreadful monster, ranging from a diamond-scaled dragon to a pack of slavering goblins. Should a prince battle his way to the top, he will be rewarded with a golden sword—and the lovely Princess Floralinda. But no prince has managed to conquer the first flight yet, let alone get to the fortieth. In fact, the supply of fresh princes seems to have quite dried up.

Nov 302020

Catalan rights to Nnedi Okorafor’s BINTI TRILOGY, to Raig Verd, in a three-book deal, by Amaiur Fernandez at International Editors’, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Czech rights to Micaiah Johnson’s THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS, to Albatros Media , by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

French renewal rights to New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s STORM FRONT, FOOL MOON, GRAVE PERIL, SUMMER KNIGHT, and DEATH MASKS, books 1-5 in the Dresden Files series, to Bragelonne, by Robin Batet at Anna Jarota Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Italian rights to New York Times Bestselling author Jim Butcher’s STORM FRONT, FULL MOON, and GRAVE PERIL, the first three books in the Dresden Files series, to Mondadori, by Stefania Fietta at Donzelli Fietta Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Italian rights to Annika Martin’s THE BILLIONAIRE’S FAKE FIANCE and RETURN BILLIONAIRE TO SENDER, to Triskell, by Stefania Fietta at Donzelli Fietta, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

Polish rights to New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s SHADOWS AND LIGHT, the second book in the Tir Alainn trilogy, to Initium, by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava i Prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Polish rights to Ada Palmer’s THE WILL TO BATTLE,  to Mag Jacek Rodek, by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

Russian rights to Brent Weeks’s THE BLACK PRISM, to Eksmo, by Igor Korzhenevski at Alexander Korzhenevski Agency, on behalf of  Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Turkish rights to Robert Jackson Bennett’s VIGILANCE, to Ithaki, by Merve Ongen at ONK Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier, for Cameron McClure.

Turkish rights to Micaiah Johnson’s THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS, to Ithaki, by Merve Ongen at ONK Agency on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.