Nov 072023

Charlotte Pitt’s clever grandmother investigates the sudden disappearance of her dear friend in this chilling holiday whodunit by New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry.

Mariah Ellison, Charlotte Pitt’s grandmother, accepts her longtime friend Sadie’s gracious invitation to spend Christmas with her and her husband, Barton, in their picturesque village. But upon arrival, Mariah discovers that Sadie has vanished without a trace, and Barton rudely rescinds the invitation. Once Mariah finds another acquaintance to stay with during the holiday season, she begins investigating Sadie’s disappearance.

Mariah’s uncanny knack for solving mysteries serves her well during her search, which is driven by gossip as icy as the December weather. Did Sadie run off with another man? Was she kidnapped? Has someone harmed her? Frustratingly, Mariah’s questions reveal more about the villagers themselves than about her friend’s whereabouts. Yet in the process of getting to know Sadie’s neighbors, Mariah finds a kind of redemption, as she rediscovers her kinder side, and her ability to love.

It is up to Mariah to master her own feelings, drown out the noise, and get to the bottom of what occurred, all before Christmas day. With the holiday rapidly approaching, will she succeed in bringing Sadie home in time for them to celebrate it together—or is that too much to hope for?

Oct 312023

A gripping, page-turning novel set in Jim Crow Florida that follows Robert Stephens Jr. as he’s sent to a segregated reform school that is a chamber of terrors where he sees the horrors of racism and injustice, for the living, and the dead.

Gracetown, Florida

June 1950

Twelve-year-old Robbie Stephens, Jr., is sentenced to six months at the Gracetown School for Boys, a reformatory, for kicking the son of the largest landowner in town in defense of his older sister, Gloria. So begins Robbie’s journey further into the terrors of the Jim Crow South and the very real horror of the school they call The Reformatory.

Robbie has a talent for seeing ghosts, or haints. But what was once a comfort to him after the loss of his mother has become a window to the truth of what happens at the reformatory. Boys forced to work to remediate their so-called crimes have gone missing, but the haints Robbie sees hint at worse things. Through his friends Redbone and Blue, Robbie is learning not just the rules but how to survive. Meanwhile, Gloria is rallying every family member and connection in Florida to find a way to get Robbie out before it’s too late.

The Reformatory is a haunting work of historical fiction written as only American Book Award–winning author Tananarive Due could, by piecing together the life of the relative her family never spoke of and bringing his tragedy and those of so many others at the infamous Dozier School for Boys to the light in this riveting novel.

Oct 312023

James Scott Bell’s POWER UP YOUR FICTION, to 21st Century Culture Center (Korea), by Sue Yang at Eric Yang Agency on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Micaiah Johnson’s THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS, to Editora 14 (Brazil), by Flavia Sala at International Editors’, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

Shaun David Hutchinson’s THE SCHOOL FOR INVISIBLE BOYS, to Nube de Tinta (Spain), by Amaiur Fernandez at International Editors’, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

K. Webster’s TRIPLE THREAT and DEATH WISH, to Grupo Portal (Brazil), by Cristina Purchio at International Editors’, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Czech rights to Seth Dickinson’s EXORDIA, to Host, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Portuguese rights to New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s THE QUEEN’S PRICE, the latest book in her Black Jewels series, to Saída de Emergência, by Amaiur Fernández at International Editors’ Co. in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Portuguese (Brazil) rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ ALL SYSTEMS RED, the first book in the Murderbot Diaries series, to Editora Aleph, by Cristina Purchio at International Editors’ Co. in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

LJ Andrew’s CROWN OF BLOOD AND RUIN and THE EVER KING, to City Editions (France), in a two-book deal, by Sarah Dray at Anna Jarota Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Melissa K. Roehrich’s LADY OF DARKNESS and LADY OF SHADOWS, to Heyne (Germany), in a two-book deal, by Sarah Knofius at Thomas Schlueck Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Sep 122023

Not far from the sprawling grounds of Wyndham Hall, the body of longtime MI6 agent John Repton is found, shot dead with a single bullet to the heart. The corpse’s proximity to the estate sends ripples of concern through the intelligence community: Repton was killed while surveilling the members of a household with alleged ties to fascists who threaten the security of the country, as Hitler’s influence spreads across Europe. Elena Standish is assigned the case, thanks to her new connection to the Wyndham family: Her older sister, Margot, is being courted by Lady Wyndham’s brother.

Elena secures an invitation to Wyndham Hall for herself and a companion—her colleague James Allenby. To covertly investigate Repton’s murder, the pair must uncover the true loyalties of the people in the house while protecting Margot from her beau’s potentially dangerous relatives. But Elena is torn, for her widowed sister has finally found happiness after years of sorrow, and having to take down the Wyndhams would destroy Margot’s new relationship.

As Elena and Allenby dig deeper into the Wyndham family’s nefarious connections, Margot grows suspicious. Can Elena reconcile her political and professional obligations with her loyalty and love for her sister? Will Elena and Allenby uncover their colleague’s killer? In The Traitor Among Us, Anne Perry raises the stakes—for Elena, MI6, and the future of Britain.

Aug 072023

A huge congratulations to all our DMLA authors who were named as finalists in this years World Fantasy Awards!

Best Novella
  • Even Though I Knew the End, C.L. Polk (Tordotcom)
Best Short Fiction
  • “The Devil Don’t Come with Horns”, Eugen Bacon (Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology)
  • “Incident at Bear Creek Lodge”, Tananarive Due (Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology)
  • “Douen”, Suzan Palumbo (The Dark 3/22)
  • “The Morning House”, Kate Heartfield (PodCastle 7/22)
Best Collection
  • Breakable Things, Cassandra Khaw (Undertow)

Special Award – Non-Professional

  • E. Catherine Tobler, for editing “The Deadlands”
Jul 142023

Congratulations to our DMLA authors who are finalists for the 2023 Hugo Awards!


  • Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (Tordotcom)


  • “Even Though I Knew the End”, C.L. Polk (Tordotcom)


  • The Founders Trilogy, Robert Jackson Bennett (Del Rey; Jo Fletcher)
  • The Locked Tomb Series, Tamsyn Muir (Tordotcom)


  • Akata Woman, Nnedi Okorafor (Viking)

And special recoginition to Premee Mohamed in BEST SEMIPROZINE for Escape Pod!

Jun 302023

Finnish rights to Nebula and Hugo Award winner Martha Wells’ ROGUE PROTOCOL and EXIT STRATEGY, the third and fourth installments in the New York Times bestselling Murderbot Diaries series, to Hertta Kustannus Oy, by Rik Kleuver at Sebes & Bisseling Literary Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

French renewal rights to New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s FURIES OF CALDERON, the first book in the Codex Alera series, to Bragelonne, by Marie-France Heinic at Anna Jarota Agency in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Croatian rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ ALL SYSTEMS RED, ARTIFICIAL CONDITION, ROGUE PROTOCOL, EXIT STRATEGY, NETWORK EFFECT, and FUGITIVE TELEMETRY, the first six titles in the Murderbot Diaries series, to V.B.Z., by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Chinese rights to James Scott Bell’s POWER UP YOUR FICTION, to China Renmin University Press, by Yijhen Lee at The Grayhawk Agency in association with Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Spanish rights to Sue Burke’s SEMIOSIS, to Dolmen, by Elena Rodriguez at International Editors Co. in association with Katie Shea Boutillier for Jennie Goloboy.

Spanish audio rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ ALL SYSTEMS RED, ARTIFICIAL CONDITION, ROGUE PROTOCOL, and EXIT STRATEGY, the first four titles in the Murderbot Diaries series, to Recorded Books, by Elena Rodríguez at International Editors Co. in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Chinese rights to Ronald Malfi’s COME WITH ME and BLACK MOUTH, to Sharp Point Press, by Gray Tan of The Grayhawk Agency, in association with Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

May 312023

Czech renewal rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ ALL SYSTEMS RED, ARTIFICIAL CONDITION, ROGUE PROTOCOL, and EXIT STRATEGY, the first four titles in the Murderbot Diaries series, to Dobrovský, by Lola Dunton at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

French rights to Brent Weeks’s NIGHT ANGEL NEMESIS, to Bragelonne by Sarah Dray at Anna Jarota Agency, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Hungarian rights to New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s SIDE JOBS, the first collection of Dresden Files short fiction, to Delta Vision, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i Prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Italian rights to Peter McLean’s PRIEST OF GALLONS and PRIEST OF CROWNS, to Fanucci, in a two-book deal, by Stefania Fietta at Donzelli Fietta, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Jennie Goloboy.

Italian rights to Brent Weeks’s THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY (omnibus), to Marco Rana at Mondadori, by Stefania Fietta at Donzelli Fietta, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Polish rights to New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s THE QUEEN’S WEAPONS, the eleventh book in the Black Jewels series, to Initium, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Polish rights to Pam Godwin’s LESSONS IN SIN, to Kobiece, by Lola Dunton at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Polish rights to Brent Weeks’s NIGHT ANGEL NEMESIS, to Mag Jacek Rodek, by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Donald Maass.

Serbian rights to New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s FOOL MOON and GRAVE PERIL, the second and third novels in the Dresden Files series, to Žestoka Izdavačka Radionica, by Sanja Stefanjesko at Prava i Prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Spanish rights to LJ Andrews’s CURSE OF SHADOWS, THORNS, COURT OF ICE AND ASH, and CROWN OF BLOOD AND RUIN, to Avery (Spain), in a three-book deal, by Elena Rodriguez at International Editors’, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier.

Ukrainian rights to Robert McCammon’s BOY’S LIFE, SPEAKS THE NIGHTBIRD, THE QUEEN OF BEDLAM, and SWAN SONG, to Zhorzh (Ukraine), in a four-book deal, by Milena Kaplarevic at Prava I Prevodi, on behalf of Katie Shea Boutillier for Cameron McClure.

Ukrainian rights to New York Times bestselling author Martha Wells’ WITCH KING, plus THE CLOUD ROADS, THE SERPENT SEA, and THE SIREN DEPTH, the first three titles in the Books of the Raksura series, to Zhorzh, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

Ukrainian rights to New York Times bestselling author Tamsyn Muir’s GIDEON THE NINTH, HARROW THE NINTH, and NONA THE NINTH, the first three books in the Locked Tomb series, to Vivat, by Milena Kaplarević at Prava i prevodi in association with Michael Curry for Jennifer Jackson.

May 192023

Congratulations to our DMLA authors who are finalists for the 2023 Locus Awards!


  • The Grief of Stones, Katherine Addison (Tor; Solaris UK)
  • Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (Tordotcom)


  • The Scratch Daughters, H.A. Clarke (Erewhon)


  • “Bishop’s Opening“, R.S.A Garcia (Clarkesworld 1/22)
  • Even Though I Knew the End, C.L. Polk (Tordotcom)


  • “Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold“, S.B. Divya (Uncanny 5-6/22)
  • “Incident at Bear Creek Lodge”, Tananarive Due (Other Terrors)


  • Breakable Things, Cassandra Khaw (Undertow)


  • An Earnest Blackness, Eugen Bacon (Anti-Oedipus)


  • The Keeper, Tananarive Due & Steven Barnes, art by Marco Finnegan (Megascope)
Apr 112023

Daniel Pitt prosecutes a beloved philanthropist whose good deeds may hide dark—and dangerous—secrets in this gripping mystery from New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry.

Working his way up at London law firm fford Croft and Gibson, Daniel Pitt is named second prosecutor on a fraud case with the potential to make or break his—and the firm’s—reputation. The trouble is, Malcolm Vayne, the man on trial, has deep pockets, and even deeper connections. Vayne’s philanthropic efforts paint him a hero in the eyes of the public, but Daniel’s friend Ian, a police officer, has evidence to suggest otherwise. Nervously working alongside the new head of his firm, Daniel is under pressure to prove that Vayne is guilty.

Meanwhile, Daniel’s new bride, forensic scientist Miriam fford Croft, befriends Rose, the wife of Daniel’s colleague Gideon Hunter, and the two become engrossed in the women’s suffrage movement. Miriam finds herself among women who are brave and determined enough to undergo hunger strikes and prison sentences. Vayne’s image is improved by his support of their cause, but Miriam is not deceived.

The trial of Vayne reveals his political ambitions in both England and Europe and heats up further when a crucial witness is found dead. During the medical examination, Miriam discovers evidence that will influence the case against Vayne, but is kidnapped by one of his crazed supporters before she can reveal it. Daniel leaves the trial and, in a desperate midnight drive, attempts to rescue her from a dangerous, sea-swept dungeon, putting their lives—and the case against Vayne—in peril.